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What Are The Three Types Of Participation Explained

Types Of Community Engagement | Sustaining Community

What Are The Three Types Of Participation Explained

Types Of Participation

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What Are The Types Of Participation?

Sarah White’s research delves into the various facets of participation, categorizing them into four distinct types: nominal, instrumental, representative, and transformative. Her analysis elucidates the unique functions inherent to each form, underlining how actors positioned ‘at the top’ of societal hierarchies, typically endowed with more power, as well as those ‘at the grass roots,’ often possessing less influence, harbor contrasting perspectives and interests in relation to these participation forms. This insight sheds light on the intricate dynamics of participation and how they are perceived and valued within different strata of society.

What Are The Three Types Of Public Participation?

The concept of public participation can be thought of as a multi-tiered framework, commonly referred to as Arnstein’s ladder of citizen participation. Within this framework, public participation can be grouped into three main categories, each representing a different level of engagement and influence for citizens:

  1. Citizen Power: This category encompasses active and meaningful participation, where citizens have a substantial degree of control over decision-making processes. It includes:

    • Citizen Control: Citizens have the ultimate authority in decision-making and policy formulation.
    • Delegated Power: Citizens delegate their decision-making authority to elected representatives or specific bodies, holding them accountable.
    • Partnership: Collaboration between citizens and government entities occurs on an equal footing, with shared decision-making and responsibilities.
  2. Tokenism: This category represents a middle ground where participation might seem genuine but lacks substantial influence. It includes:

    • Placation: Token gestures or symbolic involvement may give the appearance of participation but don’t significantly impact decisions.
    • Consultation: Citizens are asked for their opinions and input, but the extent to which this input shapes decisions can vary.
    • Informing: Information is provided to citizens to keep them informed, but there may be limited avenues for their feedback to influence outcomes.
  3. Non-participation: In this category, there is minimal or no meaningful involvement of citizens in decision-making processes. It includes:

    • Therapy: Participation is limited to activities that give citizens a sense of relief or catharsis but don’t affect policy outcomes.
    • Manipulation: Information and activities are manipulated to influence public opinion or actions without genuine citizen involvement.

By understanding these three types of public participation, we can better assess the level of engagement and influence that citizens have in various decision-making contexts, promoting more informed and effective civic involvement.

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Types Of Community Engagement | Sustaining Community
Types Of Community Engagement | Sustaining Community

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Types of Participation
Types of Participation

Sarah White distinguishes four forms of participation: nominal, instrumental, representative and transformative. She reasons that each form has different functions, and argues actors ‘at the top’ (more powerful) and ‘at the grass roots’ (less powerful) have different perceptions of and interests in each form.Functional Participation: People participate by forming groups to meet predetermined objectives related to the project after major decisions have been made. Interactive Participation: People participate in joint analysis, development of action plans, and formation or strengthening of local institutions.Five main types of participation can be identified: (i) Information sharing: one-way information flows (ii) Consultation: two-way information flows and exchange of views (iii) Collaboration: where other groups are involved but the initiator retains control (iv) Joint decision-making: shared control over decisions (v) …

Broadly speaking, there are three types of participation:
  • Conventional participation: Activities that we expect of good citizens. …
  • Unconventional participation: Activities that are legal but often considered inappropriate. …
  • Illegal participation: activities that break the law.
Often termed as “Arnstein’s ladder of citizen participation “, these are broadly categorized as:
  • Citizen Power: Citizen Control, Delegated Power, Partnership.
  • Tokenism: Placation, Consultation, Informing.
  • Non-participation: Therapy, Manipulation.

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