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Should You Massage A Pulled Back Muscle? Expert Advice Inside!

What To Do For A Pulled Back Muscle: 8 Early Signs And Symptoms

Should You Massage A Pulled Back Muscle? Expert Advice Inside!

How To Massage A Pulled Muscle

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Should I Get A Massage If I Pulled A Muscle In My Back?

Is it advisable to receive a massage when dealing with a recently strained back muscle? It’s important to note that massaging a muscle that has been recently strained can potentially exacerbate inflammation and potentially lead to additional injury. Therefore, it’s recommended to wait for a minimum of three days before considering any form of massage therapy. This precautionary measure allows the muscle time to heal and reduces the risk of worsening the injury. It’s important to prioritize your body’s recovery and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on when it’s safe to pursue massage therapy after a muscle strain.

Should You Massage Or Stretch A Muscle Strain?

When deciding between massage therapy and stretching to address a muscle strain, it’s essential to consider their distinct benefits and how they contribute to your overall recovery. Massage therapy is a highly effective approach for managing muscle strains. It promotes enhanced blood circulation, which in turn helps relax the affected muscles and alleviates the pain associated with strain. Additionally, a well-executed massage can serve as a preventative measure, reducing the risk of exacerbating the injury during strenuous workouts or everyday activities. To make an informed choice, it’s important to weigh these advantages against the benefits of stretching, ultimately tailoring your treatment to your specific needs. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive and tailored recovery plan for your muscle strain. [Published: January 4, 2022]

Share 27 Should you massage a pulled back muscle

What To Do For A Pulled Back Muscle: 8 Early Signs And Symptoms
What To Do For A Pulled Back Muscle: 8 Early Signs And Symptoms
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Categories: Summary 22 Should You Massage A Pulled Back Muscle

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How to Massage a Pulled Muscle
How to Massage a Pulled Muscle

Therapeutic massage may help relax tight muscles and increase circulation to promote healing. If you feel the early signs of a pulled back muscle, massage may help relieve pain and increase range of motion. Be sure to let your therapist know about any discomfort you feel so they can tailor their treatment accordingly.Massaging a freshly-strained muscle can actually increase inflammation and even cause further injury, so be sure to wait at least three days before attempting any massage therapy.Massage therapy is a great way to treat muscle strains, which helps increase blood flow and relax the muscles while reducing the pain associated with strained muscles. It can also help prevent further injury to the muscle during intense workouts or daily activities.

Treatment may include:
  1. Rest.
  2. Ice packs and/or heat and compression applied to the back.
  3. Exercises (to strengthen the abdominal muscles)
  4. Stretching and strengthening exercises (for the lower back as it heals)
  5. Education regarding the use and wearing of appropriate protective equipment.

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