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궁금했다 영어로? 이제는 망설이지 말고 배워보세요!

[ 영어 대화가이드 ]

궁금했다 영어로

영어 공부를 하다보면 자연스럽게 일어나는 일 중 하나가 궁금증이다. 어느 순간 새로운 단어나 표현을 접하면, “이게 뭐지?”라는 호기심이 생길 때가 있다. 그러나 영어로 질문하고 대답하는 방법이 익숙하지 않아 답답한 경험도 있을 것이다.

이번에는 궁금증을 영어로 해결하는 방법과 유용한 영어 표현을 알아보자.

영어에서 “궁금했다”란?

“궁금했다”는 영어로 “I was curious” 또는 “I wondered”로 표현한다. 예를 들어, “어제 그 영화를 보니까 끝이 궁금해서 이제는 계속 생각나”라는 문장은 “I watched the movie yesterday and wondered about the ending, now it keeps popping into my head”로 바꿀 수 있다.

영어로 물어보는 방법

영어로 물어보는 방법은 간단하다. Yes-no 질문인 경우에는 문장 끝에 동사를 먼저 놓고 주어를 그 다음에 위치시키면 된다. 예를 들어, “당신은 올해 방학 때 어디로 갈 예정이신가요?”라는 질문은 “Are you planning to go anywhere for vacation this year?”로 바꿀 수 있다.

또한, 정보를 요청하는 경우에는 “Wh-” 질문을 사용한다. 예를 들어, “어디서 공부했는지 알 수 있을까요?”라는 질문은 “Where did you study it?”로 바꿀 수 있다.

영어로 대답하는 방법

영어로 대답할 때에는 먼저 질문에 대한 주요 정보를 포함한 문장을 만들어야 한다. 예를 들어, “당신이 제일 좋아하는 음식은 무엇인가요?”라는 질문에 대해 “My favorite food is pizza” 라는 문장을 만든 후, 추가적인 설명을 덧붙일 수 있다.

유용한 영어 구문 “I’m curious..”

“I’m curious..”는 궁금증을 표현하는 가장 일반적인 구문이다. 예를 들어, “그 일본인 친구가 영어로 자신을 소개할 때 이름을 왜 바꾸는 거예요? 궁금하네요”라는 문장은 “I’m curious why my Japanese friend changes his name when introducing himself in English”로 바꿀 수 있다.

영어에서 “궁금증”이란

영어에서 “궁금증”은 “curiosity”로 표현한다. 이 단어는 “궁금한 감정”뿐만 아니라 “새로운 지식을 탐구하는 열망” 등을 의미할 수도 있다. 예를 들어, “아이들은 보통 궁금증이 많은 편이다”라는 문장은 “Children are typically full of curiosity”로 바꿀 수 있다.

궁금증을 해결하는 영어 표현

1. “I’m dying to know!” – 매우 궁금해서 참을 수 없다는 뉘앙스를 담은 표현이다.
예) “그들이 결혼식을 언제 하려고 하는지 궁금해 죽겠어요!”

2. “Can you fill me in?” – 정보나 세부적인 정보를 요청하는 표현이다.
예) “어제 자리를 비운 사이에 무슨 일이 있었는지 좀 알려주실 수 있으세요?”

3. “It’s been bugging me” – 계속해서 마음에 걸려서 궁금해하는 상태를 표현하는 표현이다.
예) “지금까지 왜 그렇게 적극적으로 나에게 접근하지 않았는지 계속해서 인정받고 싶긴 한데…”

영어 공부를 위한 궁금증 해결 방법

1. 호기심 영어로 – 출제자의 특정 단어나 표현에서 어떤 뉘앙스를 느낄 수 있을지, 조금 더 자세한 정보를 얻을 수 있는 단서를 찾는 연습을 해보자.
예) “Aardvark”, what’s the origin of this word?

2. 궁금하니 영어로 – 새로운 내용을 알고 싶다면 먼저 영어로 질문해보자. 기억력과 문장 구성 능력이 점차 향상된다.
예) “What’s the difference between ‘affect’ and ‘effect’?”

3. Curious wonder 차이 – “I’m curious”와 “I wonder”는 비슷해 보이지만 미묘한 차이가 있다. 차이점을 이해하면 좀 더 정확하고 자연스러운 표현을 만들 수 있다.
예) “Curious to know how you managed to finish the project so quickly” vs. “I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.”

4. 궁금하다 다른 표현 – “Curious” 말고도 궁금한 감정을 나타내는 다양한 표현을 알아두면 자연스러운 대화가 가능하다.
예) “I’m interested in hearing more about your research” or “I’m intrigued by your idea.”

5. 궁금하다 뜻 – 궁금한 것이 무엇인지 명확히 이해하지 못하면 아무리 대화를 해도 의미가 없다. 따라서 단어나 표현의 정확한 뜻을 검색하거나 친구나 선생님에게 물어보는 것도 좋은 방법이다.
예) “I’m curious, what does the phrase ‘raining cats and dogs’ mean?”

6. 궁금해서 영어로 – 좀 더 직접적으로 궁금한 것을 표현하면 더 빠른 해결책을 찾아낼 수 있다. 예를 들어, 영어로 자기소개를 하면서 발음이나 문법적인 오류를 물어보면 친구나 선생님께서 정확하게 교정해 줄 수 있다.
예) “Can you correct me if I make any mistakes?”

7. 궁금하다 일본어 – 영어 공부를 하면서 일본어나 다른 언어에도 호기심을 느낄 수 있다. 이때는 그 언어의 핵심적인 문법이나 표현을 찾아서 학습하면 된다.
예) “What is the difference between ‘は’ and ‘が’ in Japanese?”

8. 질문 영어로궁금했다 영어로 – 영어 공부를 하면서 느낀 궁금증을 빠르고 정확하게 해결하기 위해서는 영어로 질문하고 대화할 수 있는 능력이 중요하다. 따라서 가능한 많은 대화를 시도해보면서 표현력을 향상시키는 것이 좋다.
예) “I’ve been wondering, how do you say this word?”

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 궁금했다 영어로 호기심 영어로, 궁금하니 영어로, Curious wonder 차이, 궁금하다 다른 표현, 궁금하다 뜻, 궁금해서 영어로, 궁금하다 일본어, 질문 영어로

Categories: Top 89 궁금했다 영어로

[ 영어 대화가이드 ] \”궁금하다\”, \”궁금한게 있다\”

뭐가 궁금하니 영어로?

뭐가 궁금하니 영어로? This phrase translates to “What are you curious about in English?” It has become a popular meme in Korea, often used in online forums and social media platforms. The meme is used to sarcastically express one’s frustration with others who ask questions that can easily be answered through a simple Google search.

While the meme has been used to poke fun at those who ask easily answerable questions, there is still value in asking questions and seeking knowledge. In this article, we will explore the importance of curiosity, the benefits of asking questions, and why it’s okay to not know everything.

The Importance of Curiosity

Curiosity has been a driving force in human history. It is the desire to learn, explore, and understand the world around us. From the discovery of fire to the exploration of space, human curiosity has led to innovation and progress. Without curiosity, humans may have never discovered the traits and characteristics of the natural world, or invented the tools and technology that we use today.

Curiosity not only advances scientific and technological progress, but it also leads to personal growth and development. Curious individuals have a natural thirst for knowledge and are more likely to seek out new experiences and learn from them. They are also more adaptable to change, as they are eager to explore and understand new ideas and concepts.

The Benefits of Asking Questions

Asking questions is one of the most effective ways to learn. It allows us to gain information and insights from others, and clarifies our own understanding of a topic. Asking questions also fosters critical thinking skills, as it encourages us to analyze and evaluate information.

Asking questions also helps to build relationships and fosters a sense of community. It demonstrates that we are engaged and interested in the people and topics around us. This can lead to new connections, collaborations, and opportunities.

Why it’s Okay to Not Know Everything

With the amount of information available in today’s digital age, it can be overwhelming to feel like we should know everything. However, it’s important to remember that no one can possibly know everything about every subject.

It’s okay to not know everything, and it’s important to embrace the fact that there is always more to learn. Asking questions and seeking knowledge is an ongoing process, and there will always be new information and ideas to explore.


Q: Is it disrespectful to use the 뭐가 궁금하니 영어로 meme?
A: It depends on the context. While the meme is often used sarcastically to question the validity of certain questions, it’s important to remember that asking questions is still a valuable way to learn and grow.

Q: How can I overcome my fear of asking questions?
A: Remember that asking questions is a natural way to learn and grow. If you’re feeling anxious about asking a question, try to reframe it as an opportunity to gain new knowledge or insights. Start by asking questions in a low-stakes environment, such as in a small group discussion or with a friend.

Q: How can I become more curious?
A: Start by exploring topics that interest you. This can be anything from a new hobby to a current event. Take time to observe and reflect on the world around you, and ask questions about what you see and experience. Seek out new experiences and conversations with people who have different perspectives than your own.

In conclusion, 뭐가 궁금하니 영어로 is a popular meme in Korea, but it’s important to remember that asking questions and seeking knowledge is still a valuable way to learn and grow. By embracing curiosity, asking questions, and accepting that we can’t possibly know everything, we can continue to progress and innovate as individuals and as a society.

추천이 영어로 뭐야?

추천이 영어로 뭐야? This is a common question among Korean speakers who are trying to communicate in English with foreigners or in an international setting where English is the common language. The word “추천” in Korean means “recommendation” or “suggestion.” In English, it can be translated into several different expressions depending on the context. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to use and translate the word “추천” in English.

Translating “추천” into English

When translating “추천” into English, the most commonly used expressions are “recommendation” and “suggestion.” However, these words have different connotations and nuances that can affect the meaning of the sentence. Here are some examples:

1. “I recommend this restaurant to you.” – This implies that the speaker has personally tried the restaurant and enjoyed it, and they are suggesting it to the listener based on their own experience.

2. “Can you suggest a good book to read?” – This implies that the speaker is asking for the listener’s opinion or advice, and they are open to any recommendations.

3. “I suggest we cancel the meeting.” – This implies that the speaker is making a proposal or offering a solution, and they believe that cancelling the meeting is the best course of action.

As you can see, “recommendation” and “suggestion” can have different implications depending on the context. It is important to choose the correct expression that accurately reflects the meaning of the original Korean sentence.

Examples of using “추천” in English sentences

Here are some examples of how to use “추천” in English sentences:

1. “Can you recommend a good Korean restaurant in town?”

2. “I recommend taking the train instead of driving to avoid traffic.”

3. “I suggest studying for the exam in advance to avoid cramming the night before.”

4. “Do you have any suggestions on how to improve our website’s user experience?”

5. “I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves science fiction.”

In each of these sentences, “추천” can be translated as either “recommendation” or “suggestion” depending on the context.


1. Can “recommend” and “suggest” be used interchangeably?

No, “recommend” and “suggest” cannot be used interchangeably. While both words can convey the idea of offering advice or guidance, they have different connotations. “Recommend” implies that the speaker has personal experience and is speaking from a position of authority, while “suggest” implies that the speaker is offering a range of options and is open to discussion.

2. Can “recommendation” and “suggestion” be used interchangeably?

No, “recommendation” and “suggestion” cannot be used interchangeably. While both words have similar meanings, “recommendation” is more specific and implies a higher degree of approval than “suggestion.” Additionally, “recommendation” is often used in formal contexts, while “suggestion” is more commonly used in informal settings.

3. What is the difference between “recommend” and “advise”?

“Recommend” and “advise” both mean to give advice or guidance, but they have different connotations. “Recommend” implies that the speaker has personal experience and is offering a specific suggestion, while “advise” implies that the speaker is offering professional guidance or counsel based on their expertise. Additionally, “advise” is often used in a more formal or serious context, while “recommend” can be used in both formal and informal settings.

4. How can I use “추천” in a business setting?

In a business setting, “추천” can be used to offer advice or guidance in a professional manner. For example, you can say “I would recommend implementing this marketing strategy to improve sales” or “I suggest increasing our budget for research and development to stay competitive.” It is important to use formal language and tailor your language to your audience.

Final thoughts

“추천” is a useful word to know for anyone trying to communicate in English with foreigners or in an international setting. Understanding the nuances and differences between “recommendation” and “suggestion” can greatly improve your communication skills and help you convey your ideas accurately. By following the guidelines and examples provided in this article, you can confidently use “추천” in a variety of contexts.

여기에서 자세히 보기:

호기심 영어로

호기심 영어로, or in English, “Curiosity in English” is a growing trend in South Korea. With the increasing popularity of the English language, more and more Koreans are eager to learn English and improve their proficiency. However, the traditional way of learning English through textbooks and lectures is often boring and ineffective. 호기심 영어로 provides an alternative approach to learning English that is fun and engaging.

What is 호기심 영어로?

호기심 영어로 is a type of English learning program that is designed to stimulate curiosity and interest in the English language. It is a multimedia approach that combines various forms of media such as videos, podcasts, and interactive games to teach English in an enjoyable and interactive way. Instead of traditional classroom lectures and exercises, 호기심 영어로 encourages learners to explore the different aspects of English through curiosity-driven activities that are tailored to their interests and needs.

How is 호기심 영어로 different from traditional English learning?

Traditional English learning methods often involve rote memorization of vocabulary and grammar rules, followed by repetitive exercises and drills aimed at reinforcing what has been learned. These methods can be tedious and uninspiring, leading to poor engagement and retention of the material.

호기심 영어로, on the other hand, focuses on curiosity and interest as the driving force for learning. By tapping into the learner’s natural curiosity, the program seeks to make learning English more engaging and enjoyable. The different forms of media used in the program provide a dynamic and interactive approach to learning, which keeps the learner motivated and interested.

What are the benefits of using 호기심 영어로?

There are several benefits to using 호기심 영어로 as a method for learning English. First and foremost, it makes learning fun and enjoyable. Engaging with English in a more natural and exciting way can lead to more effective learning and better retention of the material.

Additionally, 호기심 영어로 is designed to be highly personalized to the learner’s unique interests and needs, which can lead to more efficient learning. Instead of learning material that is irrelevant or uninteresting, the program allows the learner to focus on topics that they find engaging or necessary for their personal or professional goals.

Finally, 호기심 영어로 has the potential to improve upon traditional methods of English learning by making use of the latest technology and multimedia tools. This approach can be more engaging and more accessible than traditional classroom-based approaches, making it an ideal way to learn for those who struggle with traditional instructional methods.

Who can benefit from 호기심 영어로?

호기심 영어로 is suitable for learners of all levels and ages. Whether you are just starting out with English or looking to improve upon advanced skills, the program can be tailored to your needs and interests.

In addition, 호기심 영어로 is flexible and can be done at the learner’s own pace and on their own schedule. This makes it ideal for individuals who have busy schedules or other commitments that make it difficult to attend traditional English classes.

What makes 호기심 영어로 effective?

호기심 영어로 is effective because it focuses on stimulating the learner’s curiosity and interest in the English language. By tapping into the learner’s interests and needs, the program provides a more personalized and engaging learning experience.

In addition, the multimedia approach used in 호기심 영어로 allows for a more dynamic and interactive approach to learning. This type of learning has been shown to lead to more effective retention of material and better long-term learning outcomes.

Finally, 호기심 영어로 is designed to be highly flexible and adaptable to the learner’s needs and schedule. This can make it easier for individuals to engage with the program and to make consistent progress over time.

What are some common misconceptions about 호기심 영어로?

One of the most common misconceptions about 호기심 영어로 is that it is only suitable for younger learners or for those who are just starting out with English. In reality, the program can be effective for learners of all levels, ages, and backgrounds.

Another misconception about 호기심 영어로 is that it prioritizes entertainment over learning. While the program is designed to be fun and engaging, it is also highly effective at teaching English skills and improving proficiency.

Finally, some individuals may believe that 호기심 영어로 is not a serious or credible approach to learning English. In reality, the program is backed by research and is used by many individuals and organizations around the world as a method for improving English language skills.


호기심 영어로 provides a fun and innovative approach to learning English that is highly engaging and effective. The program’s focus on curiosity and interest makes it ideal for learners of all ages and backgrounds, and its flexibility and personalization can help learners achieve their language learning goals. By incorporating multimedia tools and the latest technology, 호기심 영어로 is helping to revolutionize the way that English is taught and learned in South Korea and beyond.


Q: Is 호기심 영어로 suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, 호기심 영어로 is suitable for learners of all levels and backgrounds, including those who are just starting out with English.

Q: Can 호기심 영어로 be used by people of all ages?

A: Yes, 호기심 영어로 is suitable for learners of all ages, from children to adult learners.

Q: What types of media are used in 호기심 영어로?

A: 호기심 영어로 incorporates various forms of media, including videos, podcasts, interactive games, and more.

Q: How is 호기심 영어로 personalized to the learner’s needs and interests?

A: 호기심 영어로 is designed to be highly personalized, with the program tailored to meet the individual learner’s needs and interests.

Q: Is 호기심 영어로 an effective method for learning English?

A: Yes, 호기심 영어로 has been shown to be an effective method for improving English language skills and increasing proficiency.

궁금하니 영어로

궁금하니 영어로 (Gunggeumhani yeongeorro) is a popular phrase in Korea which translates to “are you curious in English?” It is commonly used when someone wants to ask a question or discuss something in English. In this article, we will delve deep into the origins and uses of this phrase, as well as answer some frequently asked questions about it.

Origins of 궁금하니 영어로

The phrase 궁금하니 (Gunggeumhani) means “are you curious?” and is a common way to express curiosity in Korean. 영어로 (Yeongeorro) means “in English.” When combined, 궁금하니 영어로 (Gunggeumhani yeongeorro) is a polite way to ask someone if they are interested in communicating in English.

The phrase became popular in the mid to late 2000s, during a time when many Koreans were becoming increasingly interested in learning English and the popularity of English-language media such as movies, music, and TV shows was on the rise. It is often used in informal settings, such as between friends or acquaintances, but it can also be used in more formal settings, such as in business or academic conversations.

Uses of 궁금하니 영어로

The most obvious use of 궁금하니 영어로 is to signal that you would like to communicate in English. This could be in the form of asking a question, expressing an opinion, or simply starting a conversation. 궁금하니 영어로 is often used as a way to break the ice with someone who you suspect speaks or understands English. It is also used as a way to signal that you are willing to speak English, even if it is not your first language.

Another use of 궁금하니 영어로 is to offer to translate something from Korean into English. This could be in the form of an explanation of a difficult concept, a news article, or a passage from a book. It is also used as a way to practice speaking English with a friend or colleague.

In addition to its direct uses, 궁금하니 영어로 can also be used as a way to express a broader cultural interest in English and the English-speaking world. Many Koreans see learning English as a way to connect with other cultures and to expand their understanding of the world. Using English in everyday conversation can be seen as a way of signaling that you are open to new ideas and perspectives.

FAQs about 궁금하니 영어로

1. Is 궁금하니 영어로 only used in Korea?

Yes, 궁금하니 영어로 is a phrase that is unique to the Korean language and culture.

2. Is using 궁금하니 영어로 considered polite?

Yes, using 궁금하니 영어로 is considered polite, especially when you are speaking to someone who is not a native speaker of English.

3. Can I use 궁금하니 영어로 with strangers?

Yes, 궁금하니 영어로 can be used with strangers, but it is important to use it in context and to be respectful of the other person’s time and attention.

4. What are some other ways to express interest in speaking English?

Other common phrases include “Do you speak English?” and “Can we speak English?”

5. Is it important to learn English in Korea?

Yes, learning English is increasingly important in Korea, especially for those who work in international business or plan to travel abroad. English is also a key skill for many academic and career fields.


In conclusion, 궁금하니 영어로 is a culturally specific phrase that is unique to the Korean language and culture. It is a polite way to signal that you are interested in communicating in English, and it can be used in both formal and informal settings. It is also a way to express a broader cultural interest in English and the English-speaking world. If you are interested in learning Korean or practicing your English with a Korean speaker, using 궁금하니 영어로 may be a good way to start the conversation.

Curious wonder 차이

Curiosity is a natural human trait that drives us to explore and discover the world around us. It’s an essential part of our learning process and helps us gain a deeper understanding of our environment. However, the nature of curiosity can vary greatly depending on culture and context. In Korean, the concept of curiosity is embodied in the word 차이 (chai), which represents a distinct approach to exploring the unknown.

The meaning of 차이

The word 차이 can be translated to “curiosity” or “wonder” in English, but it represents something deeper and more complex in Korean culture. The word refers to a sense of amazement or surprise at the unfamiliar and the unexpected. Unlike the English word “curiosity,” which can be neutral or even negative in some contexts (e.g., “curiosity killed the cat”), 차이 carries a positive connotation and is seen as a valuable attribute.

When Koreans use the term 차이, they often describe it as a feeling of awe and fascination that arises from encountering something new or unusual. It’s a state of mind that encourages people to seek out novel experiences, explore different perspectives, and push the boundaries of their comfort zones. In essence, 차이 is the drive to understand and connect with the world beyond what we know.

The cultural significance of 차이

In Korean culture, 차이 is highly valued and encouraged. Koreans believe that embracing 차이 is essential for personal growth and innovation. It’s seen as a way to develop creativity, expand one’s knowledge, and challenge the status quo. In fact, many Korean parents and educators encourage children to cultivate 차이 from a young age by exposing them to diverse experiences and encouraging them to ask questions.

The cultural importance of 차이 goes beyond personal growth, however. It’s also ingrained in Korean society’s values of collectivism, self-improvement, and social harmony. Through curiosity and exploration, Koreans seek to understand the world around them better, which can lead to meaningful contributions to society as a whole.

Examples of 차이 in Korean culture

In Korean pop culture, 차이 is often celebrated and incorporated into various art forms. For example, K-pop music frequently features themes of wonder and exploration, encouraging listeners to discover new paths and embrace their individuality.

Similarly, K-dramas often follow the journey of characters who are inspired by their curiosity and seek to unravel secrets and mysteries. Through their exploration, these characters develop their personal values and learn to overcome obstacles, often inspiring the audience to do the same.

Outside of pop culture, 차이 is also evident in everyday life in Korea. For example, Koreans often take great pride in their cuisine, which is known for its complex and unusual flavors. The country’s love of food is closely linked to their keen sense of 차이, as Koreans are always eager to discover new dishes, flavors, and techniques.

Another way that 차이 manifests itself in Korean culture is through its love of technology. Koreans are known for their passion for gadgets and innovation, and the country has become a hub for tech startups and industry leaders. This curiosity-driven approach has helped Korea become a global leader in technology and has fostered a culture of innovation that is sought after around the world.

FAQs about 차이

Q: How can I cultivate my own sense of 차이?

A: The best way to cultivate your own sense of 차이 is by exposing yourself to new experiences. Try new foods, travel to new places, read books, and talk to people from different backgrounds. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and approach life with a sense of wonder and openness.

Q: How can I encourage my children to embrace 차이?

A: To encourage your children to embrace 차이, expose them to diverse experiences from a young age. Encourage them to ask questions and explore their environment, both locally and globally. Foster a love of learning and curiosity, and let them know that it’s okay to make mistakes and take risks.

Q: How does 차이 differ from other concepts of curiosity?

A: 차이 differs from other concepts of curiosity in that it emphasizes the positive aspects of wonder and exploration. Unlike curiosity that can be neutral or even negative in some contexts, 차이 is viewed as a valuable attribute that encourages personal growth and societal betterment.

Q: What are some potential benefits of embracing 차이?

A: Embracing 차이 can lead to personal growth, increased creativity, improved problem-solving skills, and a greater appreciation for diversity. It can also lead to increased innovation and social progress, as individuals and societies seek to understand and connect with the world beyond their known borders.

In conclusion, 차이 represents a unique and valuable approach to curiosity that is deeply ingrained in Korean culture. By embracing a sense of wonder and exploration, individuals and societies can lead to personal growth and societal progress, fostering creativity, innovation, and social harmony. Whether you’re Korean or not, embracing 차이 is a powerful way to approach life with an open mind and a sense of adventure.

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