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굴무국으로 한 끼 뚝딱! 맛있고 건강한 레시피 공유해요

'굴국' 깔끔하고 시원하게 끓이는 법 [엄마의손맛]


굴무국: A Hearty and Nutritious Korean Delicacy

굴무국 (Gulmu-guk) is a popular Korean soup made from oysters (gul) and radish (mu). It’s a hearty and nutritious dish that is particularly popular on cold winter nights. This soup has a long history in Korea, and it’s considered one of the traditional Korean dishes. Besides its delicious taste, 굴무국 is also known for its health benefits.

굴무국의 개요 (Overview of Gulmu-guk)

굴무국 is a light yet flavorful soup made by simmering oysters and sliced radish in a seasoned broth. The soup is finished with a sprinkle of finely chopped green onions and Korean chili flakes (gochugaru). The combination of delicate oyster and earthy radish gives the soup its unique flavor profile. The dish is typically served as a first course in a Korean meal, although it can also be a main course when paired with other dishes.

굴무국의 역사 (History of Gulmu-guk)

Like many other Korean dishes, 굴무국 has a long history. This soup has been enjoyed in Korea for centuries, and it’s considered one of the country’s traditional dishes. The soup is believed to have originated in the coastal regions of Korea, where oysters were plentiful. People in those areas used to cook with what was readily available in their environment, and 굴무국 was an excellent way to use the abundant oysters. Over time, the dish gained popularity throughout the country and became a staple in Korean cuisine.

굴무국의 재료 (Ingredients of Gulmu-guk)

The main ingredient in 굴무국 is, of course, oysters and radish. However, there are other ingredients that can be added to the soup to enhance its flavor. Here are the ingredients you need to make a simple 굴무국.

– Fresh oysters (gul): The best oysters for this soup are fresh and plump. You can use shucked or unshucked oysters, but fresh oysters are recommended for the best flavor.
– Radish (mu): Korean radishes are long and white, and they’re perfect for 굴무국. The radish is sliced into bite-sized pieces and added to the soup.
– Water: You need water to make the broth for the soup.
– Garlic: Garlic adds depth of flavor to the soup. You can use fresh garlic or garlic powder.
– Salt: Salt is used to season the soup.
– Black pepper: Black pepper is added to the soup for a bit of spiciness.
– Korean chili flakes (gochugaru): Korean chili flakes are used to add a bit of heat to the soup.
– Green onions: Green onions are finely chopped and added to the soup as a garnish.

굴무국의 맛 (Taste of Gulmu-guk)

굴무국 has a unique flavor profile that combines the delicate brininess of oysters with the earthy sweetness of radish. The soup is light yet flavorful, and the texture of the radish pieces adds a nice crunch to the soup. The broth is well balanced, with a hint of garlic and a touch of heat from the chili flakes. The combination of all these flavors creates a deliciously savory soup that is enjoyed by many.

굴무국의 영양 (Nutrition of Gulmu-guk)

굴무국 is not only delicious but also nutritious. The soup is low in calories and fat, making it an excellent choice for those who are watching their weight. Oysters are an excellent source of protein and essential vitamins and minerals, including zinc, iron, and vitamin C. Radish is also high in nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, and dietary fiber.

굴무국의 만드는 방법 (How to Make Gulmu-guk)

Making 굴무국 is relatively easy, although it does require some preparation time for the oysters and radish. Here’s a simple recipe for 굴무국.


– 24 fresh oysters, shucked
– 1 Korean radish, peeled and sliced into bite-sized pieces
– 10 cups of water
– 4 cloves of garlic, minced
– 2 teaspoons of salt
– 1 teaspoon of black pepper
– 1 tablespoon of Korean chili flakes (gochugaru)
– 2 green onions, finely chopped


1. Clean and prepare the oysters. Rinse the oysters thoroughly in cold water and remove any debris. If the oysters are still in their shells, shuck them and set aside.

2. Peel and slice the radish. Cut the radish into bite-sized pieces.

3. In a large pot, add water and bring to a boil.

4. Add the radish, garlic, salt, and black pepper to the boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes, or until the radish is tender.

5. Add the oysters to the pot and cook for 5-7 minutes, or until the oysters are fully cooked.

6. Add the Korean chili flakes to the soup and stir.

7. Garnish the soup with finely chopped green onions.

8. Serve hot with rice or other Korean dishes.

굴무국의 다양한 변형 (Variations of Gulmu-guk)

Although 굴무국 is delicious on its own, there are several ways to modify the soup to suit different tastes. Here are some variations of 굴무국.

무우굴국 (Muwoogulguk): Muwoogulguk is a variation of 굴무국 that uses the same basic recipe but adds an extra ingredient, mushrooms. The mushrooms add a meaty texture and a rich umami flavor to the soup.

굴요리 (Gulyori): Gulyori is another dish that uses oysters and radish. However, instead of making soup, the oysters and radish are stir-fried with other vegetables and seasonings to make a savory side dish.

간단한 굴국 (Gandaneun Gulguk): This version of 굴무국 is a simplified version that uses canned oysters instead of fresh ones. The soup is still delicious, but it’s quicker and easier to make.

굴국밥 (Gulgukbap): Gulgukbap is a rice dish that uses 굴무국 as a soup base. The soup is poured over a bowl of steaming hot rice and garnished with green onions and Korean chili flakes.

굴미역국 끓이기 (Gulmiyeokguk Ggeuligi): Gulmiyeokguk Ggeuligi is a variation of 굴무국 that uses seaweed (miyeok) in addition to oysters and radish. The seaweed adds a depth of flavor and a nice chewy texture to the soup.

두부굴국 (Dubugulguk): Dubugulguk is a variation of 굴무국 that uses tofu instead of oysters. The tofu is sliced into bite-sized pieces and added to the soup, creating a more substantial vegetarian option.

굴떡국 (Gultteokguk): Gultteokguk is a variation of 굴무국 that uses rice cakes (tteok) instead of radish. The rice cakes are cooked in the soup, creating a chewy and satisfying texture.

굴국밥 레시피 (Gulgukbap Recipe): To make Gulgukbap, cook 굴무국 following the basic recipe above. When the soup is finished, ladle it over a bowl of hot cooked rice. Garnish with finely chopped green onions and Korean chili flakes before serving.

굴무국과 함께하는 음식 (Foods to Pair with Gulmu-guk)

Like most Korean dishes, 굴무국 is typically served as part of a meal that includes several different dishes. Here are some foods that pair well with 굴무국.

– Kimchi: Kimchi is a classic Korean side dish that pairs well with 굴무국. The tangy and spicy flavors of kimchi complement the savory and earthy flavors of the soup.

– Banchan (Korean side dishes): Banchan is a collection of small dishes that are served with Korean meals. The variety of flavors and textures in banchan make them an excellent accompaniment to 굴무국.

– Steamed rice: Steamed rice is an essential part of any Korean meal. It’s a perfect side dish to 굴무국, as the rice soaks up the flavorful broth.

굴무국의 지역적 특징 (Regional Characteristics of Gulmu-guk)

Although 굴무국 is a popular dish throughout Korea, there are some regional variations. In Jeju Island, for example, 굴무국 uses abalone instead of oysters. In the southern regions of Korea, 굴무국 is often served with seafood, such as shrimp or clams.

FAQs about Gulmu-guk

Q: Is 굴무국 spicy?
A: The spiciness of 굴무국 varies depending on the amount of chili flakes used. If you’re sensitive to spicy food, you can reduce or leave out the chili flakes altogether.

Q: Can I use frozen oysters to make 굴무국?
A: Fresh oysters are recommended for the best flavor, but frozen oysters can be used if fresh ones are not available.

Q: How long does it take to cook 굴무국?
A: It takes about 30-40 minutes to prepare and cook 굴무국, depending on the size of the radish pieces.

Q: Can I make 굴무국 ahead of time?
A: Yes, 굴무국 can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. To reheat, add some water to the soup and heat it gently on the stove.

Q: Is 굴무국 healthy?
A: Yes, 굴무국 is a healthy dish that is low in calories and fat. Oysters are an excellent source of protein and essential vitamins and minerals, while radish is high in nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, and dietary fiber.

In conclusion, 굴무국 is a Korean dish that has a long history and is beloved for its unique taste and health benefits. This soup is easy to make and can be modified to suit different tastes. Whether you’re enjoying it as a first course or as a main dish, 굴무국 is a hearty and nutritious addition to any Korean meal.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 굴무국 무우굴국, 굴요리, 간단한 굴국, 굴국밥, 굴미역국 끓이기, 두부굴국, 굴떡국, 굴국밥 레시피

Categories: Top 26 굴무국

‘굴국’ 깔끔하고 시원하게 끓이는 법 [엄마의손맛]

굴국 어떻게 끓 이 나요?

굴국 어떻게 끓이나요?

굴국은 한국 요리 중 하나이며, 굴로 만든 스프입니다. 굴의 향기와 진한 굴 맛이 일품이며, 특히 겨울철에 많이 먹는 음식입니다. 굴국을 끓이는 방법은 여러 가지가 있습니다. 이제 굴국을 끓이는 방법을 자세히 알아보겠습니다.

굴국을 만드는 재료

– 생굴 300g
– 물 4컵
– 대파 1대
– 마늘 5쪽
– 생강 1조각
– 청양고추 2개
– 고춧가루 1큰술
– 간장 1큰술
– 참기름 1큰술
– 깨 1큰술
– 소금 약간

굴국 끓이는 방법

1. 생굴을 청소합니다.

생굴을 청소할 때는 세정용품으로 세척 후 껍데기를 제거합니다. 굴 안에 있는 습기와 구덩이 모두 깨끗이 제거해야 합니다.

2. 재료를 손질합니다.

대파, 마늘, 생강, 청양고추를 각각 손질하여 잘게 썰어둡니다.

3. 냄비에 물을 붓고 굴을 넣습니다.

냄비에 물을 붓고, 굴을 넣고 끓입니다. 물이 끓으면 굴이 볶아질 뿐 아니라 굴이 바싹 익어 향과 맛이 더욱 살아납니다.

4. 재료를 넣고 끓입니다.

굴이 끓으면 대파, 마늘, 생강, 청양고추, 고춧가루, 간장을 넣고 끓입니다. 이때 한 번 뒤집어가며 끓이면 재료의 맛이 굴국에 잘 퍼집니다.

5. 참기름과 깨를 넣고 끓입니다.

참기름과 깨는 굴국의 향과 맛을 더욱 증대시키기 위해 넣습니다. 이때도 한 번 뒤집어가며 끓입니다.

6. 소금으로 간합니다.

굴국에는 간이 들어가지 않습니다. 대신에 간장에서 소금 맛을 더해 굴국을 간합니다. 굴국이 진한 맛을 가지기 때문에 소금 양은 적절히 쓰는 것이 좋습니다.

7. 완성

굴국을 그릇에 담고 먹습니다.

8. 굴국과 함께 먹는 음식

굴국에는 김치, 쪽파, 쌀밥 등과 함께 먹기 좋습니다. 또한 굴국에 쌀면을 끓여 먹어도 맛있습니다.

FAQs (자주 묻는 질문)

1. 굴국의 향과 맛은 어떻게 증대시킬 수 있나요?

굴국의 향과 맛을 더욱 증대시키기 위해서는 대파, 마늘, 생강, 청양고추, 참기름, 깨를 넣으세요. 이것들은 굴국의 맛을 더욱 증대시키고, 광어의 육질도 부드럽게 만들어줍니다.

2. 굴국에는 간이 들어가지 않나요?

굴국에는 간이 들어가지 않습니다. 대신에 간장에서 소금 맛을 더해 굴국을 간합니다. 굴국이 진한 맛을 가지기 때문에 소금 양은 적절히 쓰는 것이 좋습니다.

3. 굴국을 끓이는 도중 굴이 열렸는데, 이는 굴국에 영향을 미치나요?

굴이 열렸다 하더라도 괜찮습니다. 다만 익히는 시간이 다르므로, 열린 굴은 나중에 넣는 것이 좋습니다.

4. 끓인 굴국을 어디에 보관하면 좋을까요?

끓인 굴국은 냉장고에 보관하세요. 굴국에는 식초를 추가해 냉장 보관하면 된다.

5. 굴국을 얼마나 오래 끓여야 하나요?

굴국을 끓이는 시간은 40분 정도면 충분합니다. 굴은 익었으면서 알맞은 탄력감을 유지하기 위해 끓어낸 시간을 조절해야 합니다.

6. 굴국의 칼로리는 얼마나 될까요?

굴국의 칼로리는 생강, 마늘, 대파, 고추 등 다양한 재료가 들어간 만큼 생굴 300g의 칼로리는 약 105kcal입니다.

7. 굴국을 끓일 때 굴의 냄새가 강하게 나는데, 이를 없앨 방법은 없나요?

굴국을 만들 때 굴의 냄새가 강하게 나는 경우가 있습니다. 이때는 재료를 넣기 전에 미리 물 1컵에 식초 1큰술을 넣어 불어서 굴을 살짝 살포시면 냄새를 없앨 수 있습니다. 또한 굴을 청소할 때 항상 깨끗하게 닦아내는 것도 냄새 방지에 도움이 됩니다.

무 얼마나 끓여야?

무 얼마나 끓여야? This question translates to “How long should I boil radish?” in English. Radish is a popular root vegetable in Korean cuisine, and it is commonly used in various dishes such as kimchi, soup, and stir-fried dishes. Boiling radish is an essential cooking technique that helps to soften the texture and enhance the flavor. In this article, we will explore the answer to the question “무 얼마나 끓여야?” in depth, covering various aspects such as cooking methods, cooking time, and the impact of cooking on the nutritional value of radish.

Cooking Methods for Boiling Radish

Before we dive into the cooking time for boiling radish, let’s first understand the different cooking methods involved. Boiling radish can be done using a variety of techniques, such as boiling in water, braising, or simmering.

Boiling in water is the most common method, where the radish is boiled in a pot of water until it reaches the desired texture. Braising, on the other hand, involves simmering the radish in a mixture of broth, soy sauce, and other seasonings. This method is often used for making hearty stews or soups. Finally, simmering requires cooking the radish in a pot of water at a low temperature for an extended period. This method is ideal for making nutritious radish soup.

Cooking Time for Boiling Radish

The cooking time for boiling radish can vary depending on the cooking method and the type of radish used. For instance, large and mature radish usually takes longer to cook than small and tender ones. Here are some general guidelines for boiling radish:

– Boiling in water: For medium-sized radish, it usually takes around 25-30 minutes to boil until soft. However, if the radish is larger or firmer, it may require an additional 10-15 minutes of cooking time. The best way to know if the radish is cooked is to test it with a fork. If the fork easily pierces through the radish, it is ready.

– Braising: Braising radish typically takes around 40-45 minutes on medium heat. The radish should be cooked until it is tender and absorbs the flavors of the seasoning.

– Simmering: Simmering radish requires more time than boiling or braising. It can take up to 1-2 hours on low heat to achieve a thick and savory broth. The radish should be cooked until it is soft and translucent.

Cooking time is vital when boiling radish, and it is essential to pay attention to the cooking process to avoid overcooking or undercooking the radish. Overcooking the radish can lead to it becoming mushy, losing its shape, and flavor, while undercooking it can make it too tough and unpalatable.

Nutritional Value of Boiled Radish

Radish is a nutritious vegetable that is low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Boiling radish can affect the nutritional value, but it still remains a healthy option for consumption. The boiling process can cause some of the vitamins, such as vitamin C, to leach out of the radish, but it also helps to increase the bioavailability of other nutrients.

Boiled radish is an excellent source of potassium, which is vital for regulating blood pressure and maintaining a healthy heart. It also contains significant amounts of vitamin B6, which is essential for brain function and the production of red blood cells. Additionally, boiled radish is an excellent source of folate, which is crucial for proper fetal development and preventing birth defects.


1. Can I boil radish in the microwave?

Yes, you can boil radish in the microwave by placing it in a microwave-safe dish and adding some water. Cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or plastic wrap and microwave on high for 5-7 minutes. Check the radish’s texture to ensure that it is cooked through and if needed, continue microwaving for an additional 2-3 minutes.

2. Can I reuse the radish water for cooking other dishes?

Yes, you can reuse the radish water for cooking other dishes or as a base for soups and stews. Radish water may contain some of the vitamins and minerals that leached out during boiling, making it a nutritious addition to other dishes.

3. Can I freeze boiled radish?

Yes, you can freeze boiled radish for later use. However, freezing may affect the texture and flavor, so it is essential to reheat it thoroughly before consuming.


Boiling radish is an essential cooking technique in Korean cuisine, and it requires careful attention to the cooking time and method to achieve the desired texture and flavor. Whether you are boiling radish in water, braising, or simmering, it is essential to cook it until it is tender and flavorful. Boiled radish is a nutritious option for consumption, containing a good amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. By following the cooking guidelines outlined in this article, you can prepare delicious and nutritious dishes using boiled radish.

여기에서 자세히 보기:


무우굴국, or Korean radish and beef soup, is a popular soup in Korean cuisine. This dish is commonly made during cold rainy days and winter seasons to warm up the body. The soup is known for its hearty and savory taste, with the combination of the beef and radish creating a unique flavor profile.

The dish has been around for centuries and has helped people fight off the cold weather during winter. Its ingredients are easy to find and affordable, which makes it a popular dish among Korean families. This article will delve deeper into the history, ingredients, preparation, and health benefits of 무우굴국.


Korean cuisine is known for its rich history and deep-rooted culture. 무우굴국 is no exception to this. The soup was first made during the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392), a time when people didn’t have access to modern medicine and needed nourishment for their bodies to fight off illnesses. The combination of radish and beef proved to be an effective combination in keeping warm and warding off common ailments that came with winter.


The recipe for 무우굴국 is simple, and the ingredients are easy to find. To make the soup, you will need beef, radish, green onions, garlic, soy sauce, salt, and pepper. Some variations of the recipe may also include carrots, leeks, and mushrooms.

The beef for the soup can be chosen depending on personal preference. Sirloin, chuck, or brisket are some of the commonly used beef for the dish. It is advised to trim the fat from the beef before cooking to prevent the soup from being too oily.

Radish is the star ingredient of the dish and is known for its high nutritional value. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help in boosting the immune system. Radish also contains dietary fiber, which aids in digestion.


The preparation of 무우굴국 is relatively easy but requires some time and effort to bring out the best flavor in the dish. Here’s how to make the perfect 무우굴국.

Step 1: Soak beef in cold water for 20 minutes.

Step 2: Cut the radish into bite-size pieces and rinse with cold water.

Step 3: Thinly slice the green onions and chop the garlic cloves.

Step 4: In a pot, add the beef, radish, green onions, and garlic.

Step 5: Add water enough to cover the ingredients.

Step 6: Bring the pot to a boil and skim off any foam that forms on top.

Step 7: After skimming the foam, add the soy sauce, salt, and pepper.

Step 8: Reduce heat to low and let the soup simmer for 1-2 hours or until the beef is tender and the radish is soft.

Step 9: Serve the soup hot with a side of steamed rice.

Health Benefits

무우굴국 has many health benefits, making it a popular dish for families to consume during winter. The soup is rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, which helps in maintaining a healthy heart. The vitamins in the radish also support immune function, which is crucial during the cold season.


Q: Can I use other types of meat for the soup?

A: Yes, you can use chicken or pork for the soup if you prefer. However, beef is the traditional meat used for 무우굴국.

Q: Can I omit any ingredients from the recipe?

A: You can adjust the recipe according to your personal preference. However, the combination of beef and radish is what makes the soup unique, and omitting either will change the taste profile of the dish.

Q: How long can I keep the soup in the fridge?

A: The soup can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days in an airtight container.

Q: Can I freeze the soup?

A: Yes, you can freeze the soup for up to a month. However, it is advised to consume the soup within 2 weeks for optimal taste.


무우굴국 is a dish that is deeply rooted in Korean tradition and culture. The soup’s history dates back to ancient times when people relied on the combination of beef and radish to fight off illnesses during winter. Today, the soup continues to be a popular dish in Korea and has gained popularity worldwide due to its unique taste profile and health benefits. The soup’s easy-to-source ingredients, preparation, and affordability make it a versatile dish that can be enjoyed by anyone.


굴요리 (Gul Yori) is a traditional Korean cuisine that has been enjoyed for centuries. Primarily made with fresh oysters or sea scallops, Gul Yori is a hearty and tasty dish that is commonly served during the winter months. The dish is known for its unique flavor profile and remarkable health benefits. This article explores the origins of 굴요리, its preparation methods, popular variations, and some frequently asked questions.

History of 굴요리:

The origins of Gul Yori can be traced back to the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1897). During this time, oysters were abundant in coastal areas of Korea, and Gul Yori became a staple food for people living in those regions. It was typically served as a warm soup, particularly during the winter months, when seafood was scarce, and people needed heartier meals to stay warm and nourished.

Preparation methods:

There are several ways to make Gul Yori, depending on personal preferences and cooking styles. Some people prefer to make it into a soup, while others prefer to pan-fry or grill the oysters. Essentially, the dish is made of a base of oysters or scallops cooked in a broth made of soy sauce, garlic, ginger, scallions, and various other ingredients, depending on the recipe.

One of the most critical aspects of preparing Gul Yori is the selection of the oysters or scallops. It is important to select fresh, live oysters or scallops because they are more flavorful and have better texture. After cleaning and shucking the oysters, the broth is prepared with the seasonings and ingredients, which vary depending on the recipe. Once the broth is ready, the oysters are added to the broth, and the dish is cooked on low heat for around 10-15 minutes until the oysters are fully cooked and tender.

Popular variations:

There are many different variations of Gul Yori, depending on the region and the chef’s preferences. Here are a few popular variations:

1. Gul Jeon or Oyster Pancake – Gul Jeon is a traditional Korean dish. It is made by pan-frying a mixture of oysters, egg, and flour. They are then seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil, and scallions.

2. Gul Mandu or Oyster Dumpling – Gul Mandu is a type of Korean dumpling that is filled with oysters, mushrooms, and bean sprouts. They are then steamed and served with a dipping sauce made of soy sauce, vinegar, and chili flakes.

3. Gul Kimchi or Oyster Kimchi – Gul Kimchi is a type of Korean kimchi that is made with oysters. The oysters are marinated in a mixture of chili paste, garlic, ginger, and vinegar, which gives them a unique flavor.

4. Oyster Soup – Oyster Soup is a broth-based soup that is made with oysters, vegetables, and seasonings. It is a hearty and nourishing soup that is perfect for cold winter nights.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Is Gul Yori good for health?

A. Yes, Gul Yori is a healthy dish that is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Oysters are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help with heart health and reduce inflammation.

Q. Can I make Gul Yori with frozen oysters?

A. Fresh oysters are always the best choice for Gul Yori, but if fresh oysters are not available, you can use frozen oysters. Make sure to thaw them completely before cooking.

Q. What are the best side dishes to serve with Gul Yori?

A. Kimchi, steamed rice, and pickled vegetables are common side dishes served with Gul Yori.

Q. Is Gul Yori gluten-free?

A. Gul Yori is usually gluten-free, but some recipes may include ingredients that contain gluten. If you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, make sure to check the recipe for any gluten-containing ingredients.

Q. Is it safe to eat raw oysters?

A. If you plan to eat raw oysters, make sure to buy them from a reputable source, as they can carry harmful bacteria that can cause illness. It is also important to store them properly and prepare them with care.


Gul Yori is a delicious and healthy traditional Korean cuisine that has been enjoyed for centuries. Whether you prefer it in a soup or pan-fried as an oyster pancake, Gul Yori is a hearty and comforting dish that is perfect for colder months. With its unique flavor profile and numerous health benefits, Gul Yori is a must-try for seafood lovers.

간단한 굴국

간단한 굴국, or simple clam soup, is a beloved traditional Korean soup that has been served for centuries. This soup is commonly consumed all year round, but it is especially popular during the winter season when hot dishes are more appealing. The soup is easy to make and its ingredients are readily available, making it a perfect addition to any meal or an excellent standalone dish.

The savory broth of 굴국 is made from a variety of ingredients, including fresh clams, scallions, garlic, and ginger. These ingredients are simmered in water for several hours to create a flavorful base that is both hearty and nutritious.

Some may find the mere thought of making soup intimidating, but fear not! Making 굴국 is a simple and straightforward process that anyone can follow. Here’s how to make it:


– 2 lbs of fresh clams (de-sanded)
– 8 cups of water
– 1 onion
– 6 cloves of garlic, minced
– 1-inch piece of ginger, sliced
– 1 tbsp soy sauce
– 2 tbsp fish sauce (optional)
– 2 stalks of scallions, chopped
– Salt and pepper to taste


1. Rinse the fresh clams under cold water for a few minutes to rid them of any excess sand or debris.

2. Boil 8 cups of water in a large pot. Add the onions, garlic, and ginger, and simmer for 10 minutes.

3. Add the de-sanded clams to the pot and continue to simmer for an additional 10-15 minutes. Be sure not to overcook the clams, or they will become rubbery.

4. Add soy sauce and fish sauce (optional) to the broth and let it simmer for another 5 minutes.

5. Add chopped scallions to the soup, season with salt and pepper, and serve hot.

That’s it! Making this delicious and nutritious soup couldn’t be easier.

One of the great things about 굴국 is that it is a versatile dish that can be tailored to one’s preferences. While the recipe above is the traditional way to make it, some variations include adding mushrooms, tofu, or noodles. With that said, here are some commonly asked questions about 굴국.


Q: Do I need to use fresh clams?
A: Yes, fresh clams are essential to the recipe. Canned or frozen clams do not have the same flavor and texture as fresh ones.

Q: What is the best type of clam to use for 굴국?
A: Littleneck or Manila clams are the best choice for 굴국 as they are small, tender, and sweet.

Q: How do I de-sand clams?
A: De-sanding clams is a simple process. Rinse them under cold water for a few minutes, and then soak them in a bowl of cold water with a tablespoon of salt for an hour. This will force the clams to expel any remaining sand.

Q: Can I substitute fish sauce with anything else?
A: If fish sauce is not available, soy sauce can be used as a substitute. However, the flavor will be slightly different.

Q: Can I use vegetable broth instead of water?
A: Yes, vegetable broth can be used in place of water for a richer and more flavorful soup.

Q: Can I make a vegetarian version of 굴국?
A: Yes, a vegetarian version of 굴국 can be made by omitting the clams and using vegetable broth instead of water. Additional vegetables such as carrots, mushrooms, and zucchini can be added for more flavor.

Q: How long can I store leftover 굴국 in the fridge?
A: 굴국 can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. Be sure to reheat it thoroughly before consuming.

굴국 is a humble yet delicious Korean soup that has stood the test of time. Whether enjoyed on its own or as part of a meal, this soup is sure to leave you feeling warm and satisfied. So, give this simple recipe a try and experience the rich flavors of this authentic Korean dish.

주제와 관련된 이미지 굴무국

'굴국' 깔끔하고 시원하게 끓이는 법 [엄마의손맛]
‘굴국’ 깔끔하고 시원하게 끓이는 법 [엄마의손맛]

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소화가 잘 되는 무국 맛있게 끓이는 방법,무우국 맛있게 끓이는 법,굴무우국 맛있게 만들기 – Youtube
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식자재왕 상온탕 소내장탕 500G, 믿고 사는 즐거움 Ssg.Com

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