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군산물때표로 물가비교?! 이제는 쉬운 방법으로 가능합니다!

초보도 이해되는 고수들이 물때표 보는 방법


군산물때표: 탄생과 역사적 발전

군산물때표는 대한민국 전북 지역에 위치한 군산시에서 나온 표이다. 이 표는 군산 내의 수상 경로를 통해 들어오는 물의 양상과 변화를 추적하기 위해 만들어졌다. 군산물때표의 역사는 군산시의 사람들에게 굉장히 값진 것으로 여겨진다. 이 표는 오천년 가까이 역사의 흐름과 함께 성장하고 발전해왔다.

군산물때표의 역사와 발전

군산물때표의 탄생은 당시 군산시 주거민을 위해 만들어졌다. 군산시의 주민들은 물의 움직임과 양상, 밀물과 썰물의 변화를 계속 추적하고 몇몇 주요한 시간대를 기록함으로써 그들의 어업 및 농업 활동을 보다 효율적으로 수행할 수 있게 되었다. 이후 19세기 후반 이후, 군산시의 어부들은 물때에 따른 어로를 대비하기 위한 각종 조치들, 예를 들어 각종 덫망, 그물 등을 만들기 시작했다.

그리고 이후, 20세기에 들어서 많은 변화가 일어나게 된다. 먼저 1930년대, 일본 가식섬에 대한 군산 사람들의 저항이 일어난 기념비적인 시기였다. 그리고 이어진 1950년대에는 대한민국의 경제성장과 함께 군산시의 어부들 사이에서도 급격한 변화가 일어나게 된다.

군산물때표의 유형과 종류

군산물때표는 크게 다섯 가지 종류로 구분할 수 있다. 가장 대표적인 것은 군산물때표로, 이 표는 군산시 내의 풍부한 자원을 기록하기 위해 제작되었다. 그리고 해당 지역에 따른 추가적인 표도 있으며, 이들은 선유도물때표, 부안물때, 물때 시간표, 군산 선유도 물때, 야미도 물때, 격포물때, 군산낚시프라자, 군산날씨군산물때표 등이 있다.

군산물때표의 제도화와 현재 상황

군산물때표는 군산시만을 대상으로 제작되어 있었으나, 이제는 인터넷을 통해 모든 사용자가 이용할 수 있게 되어 제도화되었다. 또한, 군산물때표는 군산시의 주요 관광 코스로도 자리 잡으며, 이 표로 인하여 지역 경제 발전을 도모하는 이들도 많다.

군산물때표의 경제적 역할

군산물때표는 주변 지역의 경제적 발전에도 큰 역할을 해왔다. 예를 들어, 군산시의 어부들은 물때에 맞추어 어업을 했다. 이를 위해 필요한 여러 가지 품목들을 상황에 맞추어 구입하였고, 그러한 수입이 군산시 내의 소규모 기업 및 상인들의 수입과 연관되어있다. 또한 관광 산업도 군산물때표를 바탕으로 성장하고 있다.

군산물때표와 인증 마크의 차이점

군산물때표와 인증 마크는 서로 다르다. 군산물때표는 군산시의 어부들의 필요에 따라 제작된 표이며, 경제 발전을 위해 유용하게 사용된다. 반면, 인증 마크는 어떤 제품이나 서비스의 품질이나 안전성을 보장하기 위한 표시이다. 대표적으로 ISO 인증, 유기농 인증, 재활용 기호 등이 있다.

군산물때표의 문제점과 개선 방안

군산물때표는 현재에도 많은 문제점을 가지고 있다. 예를 들어, 기록된 자료가 부족하여 표 자체를 신뢰할 수 없는 경우가 있다. 또한, 군산물때표를 불법적으로 이용하는 사례도 있는 등, 군산물때표는 아직까지도 다양한 개선이 필요하다.


Q: 군산물때표는 언제 만들어졌나요?

A: 군산물때표는 오천년 가까이 전에 처음 만들어졌다.

Q: 군산물때표는 어떤 종류가 있나요?

A: 군산물때표는 크게 다섯 가지 종류로 구분할 수 있으며, 이외에도 지역에 따라 추가적인 표가 존재합니다.

Q: 군산물때표는 어떤 역할을 하나요?

A: 군산물때표는 주로 어업과 농업 등 지역 경제 발전에 도움을 주고 있으며, 관광 산업도 이를 기반으로 성장하고 있습니다.

Q: 군산물때표는 지금까지도 사용되고 있나요?

A: 네, 인터넷을 통해 군산 뿐만 아니라 전세계 사용자가 이용할 수 있게 제도화되어 있습니다.

Q: 군산물때표는 인증 마크와 어떤 차이가 있나요?

A: 군산물때표는 경제 발전을 위해 유용하게 사용되는 반면, 인증 마크는 제품이나 서비스의 품질 등을 보장하기 위한 표시입니다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 군산물때표 선유도물때표, 부안물때, 물때 시간표, 군산 선유도 물때, 야미도 물때, 격포물때, 군산낚시프라자, 군산날씨

Categories: Top 17 군산물때표

초보도 이해되는 고수들이 물때표 보는 방법

여기에서 자세히 보기:


선유도물때표, also known as Tidal Table, is a crucial guidebook for sailors, fishermen and all those who depend on the sea for their livelihood, as well as those who simply enjoy water-based activities. It contains information about the rise and fall of tides, lunar phases, and other important data for navigation. In this article, we will discuss the history of Tidal Table in Korea, its importance, and how it is compiled.

History of Tidal Table in Korea

Tidal Tables have been used for navigation since ancient times, and the first recorded Tidal Table was created in China in the 11th century during the Song dynasty. The use of Tidal Tables spread to Korea during the Joseon dynasty, and the first Korean Tidal Table was recorded in 1451 during the reign of King Sejo.

The earliest Tidal Tables were compiled by hand, with data collected from observations along the coast and through calculations based on astronomical phenomena. The first printed Tidal Table in Korea was published in 1699, during the reign of King Sukjong, and was called Daehaksa Tidal Table.

In the modern era, Tidal Tables are compiled using sophisticated software and data from satellites, but their importance remains crucial for navigation and safety at sea.

Importance of Tidal Table

For sailors and fishermen, Tidal Tables are essential for predicting tidal heights and currents, determining the best times for navigation, and avoiding dangerous situations. For example, when navigating through narrow straits and channels, it is important to know the direction and strength of the tidal currents to avoid being swept off course.

Tidal Tables are also important for protecting the environment and preserving marine life. By understanding the tides and currents, fishermen can avoid overfishing in certain areas during certain times of the year when certain species are spawning or nursing.

For leisure sailors and those who enjoy water activities, understanding the Tidal Table is also important for safety. High tides and strong currents can create dangerous situations, especially for novice sailors or those unfamiliar with a particular coastline.

How Tidal Tables are compiled

Tidal Tables are compiled using data from sources such as tide gauges, satellite data, and weather data. Tide gauges are devices that measure the height of the tide, and they can be found along coastlines and in harbors and ports. Satellite data provide information on ocean currents and water temperatures, which is used to predict future tides. Weather data are also important, as weather patterns can affect tides and currents.

Once the data has been collected, it is processed and organized into a Tidal Table. The table includes information on tidal heights, times of high and low tide, lunar phases, and other important information for navigation.


Q: Who uses Tidal Tables?

A: Tidal Tables are used by sailors, fishermen, and anyone who depends on the sea for their livelihood, as well as those who enjoy water activities.

Q: What information is included in a Tidal Table?

A: Tidal Tables include information on tidal heights, times of high and low tide, lunar phases, and other important information for navigation.

Q: How are Tidal Tables compiled?

A: Tidal Tables are compiled using data from sources such as tide gauges, satellite data, and weather data. Once the data has been collected, it is processed and organized into a Tidal Table.

Q: Why are Tidal Tables important?

A: Tidal Tables are important for predicting tidal heights and currents, determining the best times for navigation, and avoiding dangerous situations. They are also important for protecting the environment and preserving marine life.

Q: How accurate are Tidal Tables?

A: Tidal Tables are generally accurate, but they are based on predictions and may not be 100% accurate. They are updated regularly to reflect changes in tides and weather patterns.

In conclusion, Tidal Tables have a long history in Korea and are crucial for safe navigation and marine preservation. They are compiled using sophisticated technology and data from satellites and weather stations. Tidal Tables are used by sailors, fishermen, and aquatic sports enthusiasts. Understanding the Tidal Table is important for safety and protecting the marine environment.


부안물때, also known as 부안시범선박장, is a historical site located in the city of Gunsan, Jeollabuk-do, Korea. It is a port town that was once home to a bustling shipbuilding industry. The town’s name, 부안물때, literally means “the high tide in Bu-an.” Today, the town is a popular tourist destination, with visitors coming to explore its rich cultural heritage and picturesque coastal scenery.

History of 부안물때

부안물때 has a long and fascinating history dating back to the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392). At that time, the town was an important hub for commerce and transportation along the western coast of the Korean Peninsula. After the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) was established, the town continued to flourish as an important center of maritime trade.

In the late 19th century, the Japanese government annexed Korea and modernized its infrastructure, including its shipbuilding industry. The Japanese established a major shipbuilding facility in 부안물때 and used it to build warships for the Imperial Japanese Navy.

After the Japanese were driven out of Korea at the end of World War II, the town’s shipbuilding industry once again became a major source of employment and economic growth. During the Korean War, the town’s shipyards were used to repair damaged U.S. Navy ships.

In the 1970s, the Korean government began to shift its focus away from traditional industries like shipbuilding and toward high-tech manufacturing. With this shift, the town’s shipbuilding industry began to decline. Today, there are only a handful of small shipbuilding companies operating in the area.

Sights to See in 부안물때

Despite the town’s economic struggles, there are many beautiful and historic sights to see in 부안물때. Here are a few of the most popular attractions:

1. 부안해상예술연습장 (Bu-an Sea Art Practice Center)

The Bu-an Sea Art Practice Center is a modern facility designed to promote Korean traditional arts and culture. It offers classes and performances in traditional music, dance, and crafts. Visitors can also enjoy the beautiful ocean view from the center’s outdoor terrace.

2. 부안물때선착장 (Bu-an Wharf)

Bu-an Wharf is a great place to take a stroll and enjoy the fresh sea air. There are several small restaurants and cafes that offer local seafood dishes.

3. 군산모래문화마을 (Gunsan Sand Culture Village)

The Gunsan Sand Culture Village is a unique attraction that features sculptures made out of sand. The sculptures are created by local artists and change each year to reflect the theme of the village.

4. 부안물때해양사박물관 (Bu-an Maritime History Museum)

The Bu-an Maritime History Museum tells the story of the town’s shipbuilding industry and its role in Korean history. The museum has exhibits on traditional Korean boats, shipbuilding techniques, and the town’s relationship with the sea.

5. 순도호매점 (Sundo Ho Store)

The Sundo Ho Store is a traditional Korean general store that has been in business since 1928. It sells a wide variety of goods, including Korean snacks, drinks, and household items. Visitors can experience what shopping was like in a bygone era.


Q: How do I get to 부안물때?

A: There are several ways to get to 부안물때. The easiest way is to take a bus or train to Gunsan Station and then take a taxi to the town. The taxi ride takes about 30 minutes and costs around 20,000 won. Another option is to rent a car and drive to the town.

Q: When is the best time to visit 부안물때?

A: The best time to visit 부안물때 is during the spring or autumn when the weather is mild and the scenery is beautiful. Summer can be quite hot and humid, while winter can be cold and windy.

Q: Can I take a guided tour of 부안물때?

A: Yes, there are several companies that offer guided tours of 부안물때. These tours typically include transportation, admission to various attractions, and a guide who speaks both Korean and English.

Q: What is there to do in 부안물때 besides sightseeing?

A: There are several outdoor activities that visitors can enjoy in 부안물때, including fishing, boating, and hiking. There are also several hot springs in the area that are great for relaxing.

Q: Are there accommodations in 부안물때?

A: Yes, there are several hotels and guesthouses in the area that cater to tourists. Some are located right on the water and offer beautiful views of the sea.


부안물때 is a hidden gem on the western coast of Korea. Its rich history, scenic beauty, and unique attractions make it a great destination for anyone looking to explore Korean culture and history. Whether you’re interested in traditional arts and crafts or want to experience life in a small port town, 부안물때 has something for everyone.

물때 시간표

물때 시간표 (Mool-ddae Si-deng-pyo) is a term used in Korean to refer to tidal charts or tables. These charts help in predicting the ebb and flow of tides in a particular place. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for sailors, fishermen, and other marine enthusiasts who need accurate information to navigate safely and efficiently. In this article, we will discuss 물때 시간표 in detail, including its history, importance, and how to read them. Additionally, we will provide answers to frequently asked questions related to 물때 시간표.

History of 물때 시간표

The history of tidal predictions in Korea can be traced back to the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). At that time, the government used the tidal predictions to plan and manage the traffic in the Han River, which flows through the capital city, Seoul. In 1932, the Korean government began publishing tidal tables under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Later, in 1946, the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration (KHOA) was founded to study, predict, and publish tidal charts, among other marine-related activities.

Importance of 물때 시간표

The tides are one of the most powerful natural phenomena that have a significant impact on the marine ecosystem. The gravitational pull of the moon, sun, and other celestial objects causes the sea level to rise and fall in a predictable cycle. This cycle is crucial to the survival of many marine creatures, as it affects their feeding, breeding, and migration patterns. Therefore, it is essential to have accurate tidal information to avoid damage to marine life and to ensure the safety of people working or traveling on the water.

Additionally, tidal charts are critical for several marine-related activities, such as navigation, fishing, and recreation. The information provided in these charts allows sailors to plan their voyages, choose the best time to enter or leave a port, and avoid dangerous areas or shallow waters. For fishermen, tidal information helps them identify the best fishing spots and the most productive periods to catch fish. Lastly, marine enthusiasts, such as surfers, divers, and swimmers, need to know the tides to plan their activities and avoid hazardous conditions.

How to read 물때 시간표

Reading a tidal chart may seem overwhelming at first, but with a little practice and instruction, it becomes easier. A typical tidal chart consists of several columns that provide information about the time, height, and direction of the tides. The chart may also include additional information such as moon phases, tide ranges, and tidal streams.

At the top of the chart, you will find the date and time range covered by the chart. It is essential to choose the correct chart for the location and date you are interested in, as tides can vary significantly depending on the geography and time of the year. Next, you will see a series of numbers representing the time intervals, usually every hour or every half-hour. These numbers are presented in military time, also known as the 24-hour clock. For example, 6:00 pm would be represented as 18:00.

The next column is the first prediction line, which provides the height and direction of the tide at the specified time. The height is listed in meters or feet, depending on the region, and can either be above or below the mean sea level. A positive number indicates a high tide, while a negative number represents a low tide. The direction is usually indicated by an arrow pointing either up or down, indicating whether the tide is rising or falling.

The subsequent columns follow the same structure, with the second prediction line placed next to the first one and so on. This allows readers to compare the height and direction of the tides between different time intervals. Additionally, the chart may include horizontal lines representing different tide levels, such as the high water or low water marks. These lines provide a visual reference point for understanding the tidal range and its effects on the geography of the area.

FAQs about 물때 시간표

Q: What is the best time to navigate based on tidal charts?
A: The best time to navigate depends on the purpose and location of the voyage. For example, sailors may prefer to enter or leave a harbor during high tide to avoid running aground or encountering shallow waters. Similarly, fishermen may prefer to fish during the ebb tide, as it attracts fish to the surface. It is essential to consult the tidal charts and consider other factors, such as weather conditions, before making any navigational decisions.

Q: Can tidal charts be used for any location?
A: No, tidal charts are specific to the location and date they cover. Different regions have different tidal patterns, which can be affected by various factors, such as geography, climate, and ocean currents. Therefore, it is crucial to use the correct chart for the location and time you are interested in.

Q: What is the difference between spring tide and neap tide?
A: Spring tide and neap tide refer to the two extremes of the tidal cycle. Spring tide occurs when the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun are aligned, resulting in higher than usual high tides and lower than usual low tides. Neap tide occurs when the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun is perpendicular, resulting in lower than usual high tides and higher than usual low tides. Spring tide and neap tide occur twice a month, during the full and new moon, respectively.

Q: Are tidal charts only useful for marine-related activities?
A: No, tidal charts can also be useful for land-based activities that are affected by tides. For example, hikers and beachgoers may consult tidal charts to plan their activities on the coast. Similarly, wildlife observers and photographers may use tidal charts to predict the best times and locations to observe tidepool creatures and other marine wildlife.

Q: How can I access tidal charts?
A: Tidal charts are widely available online, through websites and apps that specialize in marine-related information. Additionally, they can be obtained from government agencies, such as the KHOA, or local marinas and harbors. It is essential to consider the source and the accuracy of the information before relying on tidal charts for navigational or safety purposes.

In conclusion, 물때 시간표 is a crucial tool in predicting the ebb and flow of tides in a particular place. Understanding how to read tidal charts and consulting them regularly can help ensure the safety and efficiency of marine-related activities, such as navigation and fishing. By providing accurate and up-to-date information, tidal charts play an essential role in the sustainable management and conservation of marine ecosystems.

주제와 관련된 이미지 군산물때표

초보도 이해되는 고수들이 물때표 보는 방법
초보도 이해되는 고수들이 물때표 보는 방법

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위도 날씨 <3T6Kdb4>” style=”width:100%” title=”위도 날씨 <3T6KDB4>“><figcaption>위도 날씨 <3T6Kdb4></figcaption></figure>
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오늘의 조황 – 군산 쭈꾸미파티가 물때와 상관없이 잘나오고 있어요~! 굿조황~ 35척 선단운영~ 챔피언호 – 군산낚시프라자
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물때표 보는 방법, 물때표 보기, 낚시정보 - 바다타임
물때표 보는 방법, 물때표 보기, 낚시정보 – 바다타임
조황정보 - 군산 레전드호
조황정보 – 군산 레전드호

Article link: 군산물때표.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 군산물때표.


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