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Exploring Ethnography: The Time-Consuming Journey

Tslb3143 Topic 1E Ethnography Research

Exploring Ethnography: The Time-Consuming Journey

2.1 Ethnography | Qualitative Methods | Observation | Uva

Keywords searched by users: Does ethnography take a long time short-term ethnography, time for ethnography

Is Ethnography Time Consuming?

Is ethnography time-consuming? Indeed, ethnography is a research method that demands a substantial investment of time and necessitates the involvement of a skilled researcher. One of the key challenges in ethnographic research is the process of establishing trust and rapport with the individuals being studied, known as informants. This trust-building is crucial for enabling open and candid conversations. Consequently, undertaking ethnographic research within a short timeframe presents a specific set of difficulties, as the limited time may impede the development of the necessary relationships and the collection of in-depth data. To overcome these challenges, researchers must carefully plan their studies, allocate sufficient time, and possess the expertise required to conduct effective ethnography.

What Is The Time Period Of Ethnography?

Ethnography, as a research method, involves immersing oneself in a particular culture for an extended period to gain a deep understanding of its nuances and dynamics. Typically, ethnographers commit to residing within the community they study for a minimum of one year. This extended duration serves several vital purposes in the ethnographic process. Firstly, it enables the local community members to become familiar with and comfortable around the ethnographer, fostering a sense of trust and openness. Additionally, this prolonged stay allows the ethnographer to establish strong rapport with the people they are studying. Through this immersive experience, ethnographers can gather comprehensive and nuanced data that provides valuable insights into the cultural practices, social dynamics, and daily life of the community under examination.

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Categories: Aggregate 98 Does Ethnography Take A Long Time

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2.1 Ethnography | Qualitative Methods | Observation | UvA
2.1 Ethnography | Qualitative Methods | Observation | UvA

For something to be ethnography it needs to, of course, involve use of ethnographic methods, such as participant observation (as one element), and also time. I see a minimum of 6 months as being necessary for good ethnographic research and it is much better if one spends at least a year at one’s field site.Ethnography is time consuming and requires a well-trained researcher. It takes time to build trust with informants in order to facilitate full and honest discourse. Short-term studies are at a particular disadvantage in this regard.Traditionally, ethnographers spent a minimum of one year living amongst members of the culture they are studying. This extended period of data collection allowed local people a chance to know and get used to the ethnographer, and this also allowed the ethnographer to build rapport with local people.

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